is a product designer based in Seattle, WA. He strives to create accessible and effective products and solutions.
is a product designer based in Seattle, WA. He aspires to create accessible and effective products and solutions.
Loves anything that's blue.
Loves anything that's blue lego brick.
Like many engineers and creatives, I grew up building and playing with Legos. They helped shape the interests and passions I have today.
The new botanical sets are very pretty.
Loves anything that's blue spool of thread.
Clothing and fashion is one of my biggest hobbies. Though I buy much more than I make, I'm currently trying to sew myself a nice pair of pants.
Loves anything that's blue pack of skyflakes.
Skyflakes symbolize my Filipino-American identity. I love my heritage and I've involved myself in supporting and uplifting my local Filipino community.
Loves anything that's blue guitar pick.
I began learning the guitar in high school, and I've been slowly progressing ever since.
My favorite genres to play are indie, alt, and math rock.
Loves anything that's blue beyblade.
I've collected beyblades ever since I was a kid, and I think they look cool and are fun to play with.
I want my work to be the same – that it looks cool and is fun to play with.
Loves anything that's blue sketchbook.
I think that industrial design sketches are so cool. I have a fine point pen and a couple of alcohol markers so I could try it myself.
Loves anything that's blue pen.
My pencil case is full of an assortment of blue colored stationery, even though my handwriting is not the greatest.
People say however that messy handwriting implies creativity, haha.
Loves anything that's blue tin of matcha.
Making matcha lattes is my morning ritual, whisking with my non-dominant hand to help prevent Alzheimer's.
Loves anything that's blue golf ball.
My parents made me learn golf as a kid. I used to hate going to lessons, but now I don't mind going to the driving range now and then.
My driving needs some work, but I can hit a ball pretty good with my 5 hybrid.
Loves anything that's blue digital camera.
Photography is one of the many hobbies I've picked up from my mom. I bring her old cybershot everywhere I go.
Loves anything that's blue mariners hat.
I have lived in Seattle my entire life. My favorite places in the city are the Red Hall in the Central Library, and Jefferson Park.
Loves anything that's blue lighter.
I really like bold colors on minimal designs, such as on this Tsubota Pearl lighter.
Loves anything that's blue.